Monday, August 13, 2007

So many ways to help!

Besides the garage sale, the bandanna campaign and the walk-a-thon, there's also a way for folks to donate that requires only a pen, an envelope & a stamp.

Checks can be written to “Dogs for Sandy” and sent to

Redwood Credit Union
c/o P.O. Box 3015
Santa Rosa CA 95402-3015

Every donation makes a difference.


skinnylittleblonde said...

(((Thoughts & Prayers from Georgia)))
Keep that positive energy flowing!
Ideas for the upcoming sale event...

Ask AAron Rents to donate folding tables & chairs for the sale event.

Use letterhead of the Dog Whisperer to solicit charitable goods, even sodas & hotdogs, for resale at the event from larger organizations such as Walmart, Big Lots, the grocery store, Lowe's & Home Depot.

I wish you guys the best on this fund raising event. Scott from Oregon referred me here ... not having insurance in our capitalistic culture sucks & is something I am all too familiar with. Cancer is no longer a question of 'if' but a question of 'when' for most of us.
My sister, Kimbies, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Her2 positive/positive breast cancer over a year ago. The fight is vigorous and the power of positive energy is contagious... keep the loving energies flowing. Let love grow.

Connie & Montana said...

It was fun this morning (Friday) seeing lots of dogs in pretty purple bandanas at the park! What beautiful dogs (and people) we have in our lives.

Unknown said...

Thank you to all who now sport lovely purple bandannas. It is heartwarming to have so many rise to the occassion. We can make a difference. It starts with a few people and quickly builds to hundreds. You are all awesome.